Wednesday 11 May 2011


1. What about Tony's parent-what are their representation like?

2. What do you think Tony's representation is? think about camera shots and his behaviour.

3. Think about stereotypes, counter-types?
There are many stereotypes,

4.What are the genre? how does Tony's representation fit into the genre?

5. Can we tell how the narrative will unfold?

6. We start with the shot of Tony in bed with the camera in a close up of him - why use this shot? Then we see him in his under pants, why?

7. Discuss the mise-en-scene- does it tell us anything about Tony's life style?
Tony's is a mummy's boy

8. Discuss Sid's representation? Look at the binary oppositions between Tony and him; especially look at the mise-en-scene.

9.What can we say abut his representation? Is he a stereotype or counter-type? What do we know about his behaviour.

The female black character plays the clarinet on her bed, wearing her pj's, she is a counter-type showing that she not a typical teenager getting into trouble. There are a lot of stereotypes involved with the first 10 minutes of the scene such as, coming home late from a party

10. We are greeted with a close up of Michelle's legs- does this lead into her characters representation? Discuss Michelle's representation; think about her looks, her behaviour and accent.

The introduction of Michelle is her legs, we assume that she is suppose to be the sexy girl and that everyone wants to be with her. Her dialogue suggest that she is a slut. Her sense of clothes connotes that she is in a shower and the conversation may relate to what she may be doing. Shemay also be the main female character