Wednesday 15 December 2010


Crash analysis and notes
Crash (2004)The two black men are discussing the stereotypical views of black people within the American society. They comment on not getting asked if they wanted coffee and they didn't want any. The audience may start to emphasis with the two characters."she gets cold as soon as she sees us do we look threatening, no, if anyone should be scared it should be us" this connotes that the situation is flipped all because the area that they are in is dominated by white people and they are the only two black people around."Cause we got guns" connotes that they are not educated or this is there idiolect.However they conform to the stereotypes which they are trying to justify: i.e. threatening a white couple with a gun in order to steal their car...... and the only reason they do this is because the white women apparently holds her husband’s hand when she sees the two black men, connoting that she may be scared of them......... and her thoughts are confirmed by the two black men's actions. Although they have stolen a car one of the males still has religious beliefs: he has a statue of St Paul: this is quite ironic and satirical because they have committed a sin however he is still acting like he is of a higher class.The women who has been threatened insists that her husband changes the locks again after the mixed race man leaves because she beliefs that he will give the keys to his "gangbang friends", this is a stereotypical view of mixed race people in America. "Prison tattoos" connoting that coloured people are criminals (justified by the car stealing)The white police man is on the phone to a receptionist at a doctor surgery regarding issues related to his Dad, the minute he hears the women's name "Shaniqua Johnson" he immediately relates her names to her attitude and she hangs up.The two policemen are driving casually when they see a SUV which is the same vehicle which was stolen by the black men. One of the male officers automatically assumes that because there us a black man driving the car that they are guilty, this connotes that he is stereotyping all the black community to be criminals. Although the other male officer confirms that the registration is not the same he still insists in pulls them over. The white police man treats the black men in a very primitive manner therefore in an aggressive and violent tone. He also plays games with the black man e.g. he knows that he hasn't been drinking and tell him to do challenge which are used to convict drink driver. This signifies that the white police officer think that he is a better male and of a higher class. This then leads the wife to get out of the vehicle and start ranting and raving, she has been drinking and this influences her actions and responses. This gives the 'racist' white police officer to tell them to put the hands on their heads and then searching them.The officer explicitly touches the women, in a primitive and unneeded manor..... the husband doesn't make any comment apart from telling her to shut up, this connotes that he feels interior to the police men...... he doesn't feel that he has the power to stick up for his wife....... his wife gives in and stops arguing because she is shocked by the whole situation.The husband apologises to the officers and they are realised with a warning..... This enhances and emphasises the white officers thought about being dominant and in power, because the husband has given in to the pressure.Rap music is played; this particular genre is related back to black people, and rap music was created to oppress black people.Ludacris and his friend aren't paying attention to the road and therefore this leads to the running over of an innocent Chinese male. "china man" the language used by Ludacris shows that he is ignorant to other cultures; moreover, back when slavery was around, black people weren't allowed an education and this is a stereotypical view of black people, it is emphasised and reinforced by Ludacris' idiolect."Not talking black enough"Although the Ken- the black person is of a higher job status than the white man he still feels the need to justify himself, "is there a problem Ken" the white man is speaking down to Ken, and is questioning his decisions, undermining him and his actions. Ken again gives into the white male and does what he asks.The names used are very stereotypical e.g. "Jamal" is a typical 'black name' and "Eddie" is a white name- Tommie is the smart one and Jamal is the not so smart one and confirm the stereotypical view of black people because Jamal is black and he is not smart because he is not educated?The whole concept of having clear windows on buses is quite unusual....... Ludacris stated that it is because they want to reduce coloured people. 'Big brothers watching you' (1940's). Contemporary issues?Black people are segregated from the rest of society; they are seen to be the inferior and therefore less dominant race.The idea of the 'racist' police officer helping the black women who he had previously malestered is quite unusual because he was acting in a primitive manor towards her before but now he’s saving her life...... (Jekyll and Hyde). Also Ludacris freeing the illegal immigrants who were captured for trafficking is amazing because he is being a 'good guy', maybe he’s learnt? This could be seen as a positive representation of black people however because he had stolen the car which the people were found in it could be seen as a pessimistic view.
We also see Daniel (the 24hour locksmith) fix the back door lock of Farhad's convenience store. Daniel warns that the door itself needs replacing, which Farhad, an older Persian man, seems to misunderstand and eventually leads to a screaming match where Farhad accuses Daniel of being a cheater. he was referred to as a cheater because he wasn't light skinned...... which is quite ironic because Farhad is getting stereotyped and categorized into being an 'Arab' when he is Persian...... Daniel is being stereotyped because he is coloured.
In addition the white officer who has his own vehicle is helping out the Ludacris' friend, the black male sees the statue of God and puts his hand in his pocket, the police officer assumes that he is going to get out a weapon and in response shoots him...... quite ironic as he was helping him, but when the black male opens his hand he reveals that he took out a statue which mirrored the one the officer had...... The black male was stereotyped for having a weapon when he didn't..... Because he has a record for owning a gun.
The films main white characters are depicted to be in comfortable financial, political and economical positions while the black characters are portrayed to be financially secure however undoubtably socially deprived.

Monday 13 December 2010

Bamboozled Notes

  • Bamboozled (2000) was written and directed by Spike Lee about a modern televised minstrel show featuring 'black actor in blacker faces'.
  • Damon Wayans who plays the character Pierre Delacroix works for a television company called CNS, where he has his a section where black people would be on the show. It was called the CP time, coloured people time.
  • Thomas Dunwitty, who proclaim that he is black and brought up in a black society, he say he is more black than Pierre and that he can use the work nigga in his conversation just because he is married to a black women. Going in this office room we see that he a lot of black picture.
  • Mantan: the new millennium minstrel show is with black actor with black face, this is extremely racist.
  • The young boy that is playing Mantan is a tap dancers this is a stereotype of the shoe shinning.
  • Dunwitty the boss say it will be a successful if the black men dress up and make fool of themselves and act like bafoons.
  • Dunwitty says that black people are lazy, ignorant, uneducated negro, unlucky, sleep and eat and dum witted. Politically black people do associate them with these words, they are usually furious.
  • they say that a black man in a black face is a crazy and is sychotic.
  • In the minstrel show they was a mammy, a girl and a chimney sweeper and other character who are associated with black people.
  • in the end of the film all the black people get shot of what they have done and leaves the white man out even though he was part of the gang, he confesses that he a black guy and you shuold of shot him and it was a bad choice.

Monday 6 December 2010


How and why the conventions of news reports are tuned/looked differently on ITV news and BBC news at 10 o’clock.

A news report is a sequence of the main headline followed by what’s on the programme. There are information about recent and important events; "they awaited news of the outcome".
The bulletin having been moved from the earlier time of 20:45 as a response to the ratings achieved byITNs New at ten. The BBC News at Ten (also known as the BBC Ten O’clock News) is the evening news programme for British television channel BBC One and the BBC News channel. It is presented by Huw Edwards and by Fiona Bruce usually. Whereas ITV new is The ITV News at ten (also known as News at ten) is the news programme on British television network ITV. ITV News is the branding of news programmes on the British television network ITV. Since the late 1950, ITV's news bulletins have been produced by Independent Television News (ITN).
The both news report approximately lasts for 30 minutes. This proved to be very popular and very successful with the audience and it remained fixed on the ITV schedules, after this they show you the new around where you are. This emphasise the new where you are, you can know what going on your areas.

Main headlines at that time how did they present it!

The news is seen as information given us by journalists and many more.
It is broadcast Monday to Sunday between 22:00 until 22:30 and features twenty-five minutes of British national and international news. It incorporates five minutes of news from the BBC regions around the UK at around 22:25(watershed). It has be purposely shown after the watershed because the children would up in bed and it would just be the parent awake, this is because there might be a strong use of language or disturbing images. Over the three months since its revival ITV News at Ten has averaged 2.2 million viewers compared with an average of 4.8 million viewers watching the BBC bulletin over the same period. The BBC News at Ten is currently the most watched news programme in the UK, averaging 4.9 million viewers each night. People are more likely to watch the BBC news than ITV new. ITV is national news which includes news, UK national weather and more, whereas BBC news is the United Kingdom and international new headlines. There are critics that BBC has been banned reporting in some countries, which won’t allow you to get as much information in other news.

Opening sequence

There is a convention on how the new report should be. It should be showing an open sequence of the headline on who is reporting and what will there be on the new e.g. sports, weather etc. they are always dressed formal and not using colloquial language. They are always a table and a laptop and the reporter holding a sheet of paper.

News at Ten's opening sequence consisted of a chime of Big Ben and a newscaster reading out a headline about the main news story of the day this is while the image of today headlines carries on (over voice); this was followed by the title sequence—a computer-generated travel across night-time London, passing London landmarks such as the Canary Wharf and the London Eye, before zooming in on the "Big Ben" clock face on the Westminster Clock Tower showing the time of 22:00; chimes, headlines were read out by each newscaster; following the headlines, a camera panned across the studio, passing glass screen with the News at Ten logo also it swooped past the newscasters at the desk. Then they begin their reporting, these are all connoting that it the next hours when he chimes goes off, the landmarks tells you that they are all in London, lots of major landmarks, the most important royal sites, the most important political sites. These are some of the greatest landmarks in London. In contrast to the ITV the opening sequences

One news report might be different to how the other one is shown is this because both the institution is different.

The views on Marxist
Women couldn’t get a job they were supposed to be a housewife and provide food/clothes for their children and their husband was to provide food and money. When women got the right to do what they like women usually went to university and got a degree and married later.
Women working in the creative media industries are under-represented, underpaid, and more highly qualified than their male counterparts, according to a report by training organisation, on average, men in the industry earn substantially more than women – £34,669 compared to £29,015. There was a stigma attached to being on the new till the late 1970’s women didn’t have the role to be a newsreader, being the first women was Angela Rippon as the first female news presenter . Only men had a role in the media industries.

9/11 was a disturbing and one of the biggest disasters, a bomb attack held in the America, most affected was the twin tower killing over thousand of worker. The news have presented this on air by going through the story.

You can also read the new in any different platforms such as newspaper, magazines, radio and so on.
Most people like to know information by internet so accessing the web, for this you can also put your ideas or comment on the news. This is a quick and efficient way of doing so. They are obviously different platform because not everyone will watch the news people like to read the newspaper in their own pace or skip thing they don’t want to know and the same with magazines. Radio is usually tuned on the car to your favourite channel, easier to access.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

An analysis of the poster

The first poster that we looked at was the poster of Bamboozled 2000,
  • The colours that are used in this poster are Black connoted the colour of the black people, red, orange, yellow connotes the hot sun in the slavery times, when they had to work all day and white.
  • The young cartooned character is a baby holding a watermelon which connotes that black people like watermelon.
  • The baby feature is sensationalised her lips are big and red and eyes are big.
  • The babybody look shiny showing she is hot.
  • In the image there are a load of flower but if you look closely at the picture you can see that they are cotton, this is connoting that this goes back in times and showed that they worker in slavery time had to pick cotton.
  • The theme of the image look likeit was taken in the circus.
  • 'Staring the great negroe' actors by Spike Lee.
  • The convention of the poster is still there you can see at the bottom of the image there is the credits, which is normally at thebottom.
  • Pick-anini
The second image is still from the same movies but the image is slightly different.
  • There was two men, also exaggerated with their red lips and black face.
  • One of the man is dressed up as a pool man guard they are trained and respected.
Blacula 1972
  • There is a black man biting in a white women neck showing the revenge.