Monday 13 December 2010

Bamboozled Notes

  • Bamboozled (2000) was written and directed by Spike Lee about a modern televised minstrel show featuring 'black actor in blacker faces'.
  • Damon Wayans who plays the character Pierre Delacroix works for a television company called CNS, where he has his a section where black people would be on the show. It was called the CP time, coloured people time.
  • Thomas Dunwitty, who proclaim that he is black and brought up in a black society, he say he is more black than Pierre and that he can use the work nigga in his conversation just because he is married to a black women. Going in this office room we see that he a lot of black picture.
  • Mantan: the new millennium minstrel show is with black actor with black face, this is extremely racist.
  • The young boy that is playing Mantan is a tap dancers this is a stereotype of the shoe shinning.
  • Dunwitty the boss say it will be a successful if the black men dress up and make fool of themselves and act like bafoons.
  • Dunwitty says that black people are lazy, ignorant, uneducated negro, unlucky, sleep and eat and dum witted. Politically black people do associate them with these words, they are usually furious.
  • they say that a black man in a black face is a crazy and is sychotic.
  • In the minstrel show they was a mammy, a girl and a chimney sweeper and other character who are associated with black people.
  • in the end of the film all the black people get shot of what they have done and leaves the white man out even though he was part of the gang, he confesses that he a black guy and you shuold of shot him and it was a bad choice.

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