Wednesday 8 June 2011

Lego Harry potter & The Social network

How do the texts show changes in the ways the audience relates to and uses media? (8marks)

the two texts show changes in the different aspect of audience e.g
The audience for Lego harry potter is 10 whereas the movie harry potter is 12.

The theme and the clips in that movies are quite similar or exactly the same, this will reflect the audience visual expression and their reaction and they could relates to the movies and recognise the clips that were in the movie and lego clips.

Institution warner brother in the movies and in the lego Harry Potter is is Warner brother interactive entertainment.

Some of the voice over imply to you, which mays it interactive e.g your invitation has arrived..cast your spell...piece together the adventure and conjure by yourself or with a friend.. this is directly to you, so this makes you want to play.
the website this connotes what the website might be.
the password is Expectro Patronum this is one of the spell used in harry potter, harry potter fan would notice that.

The Social Network
there are many links between the movie and the Facebook page.
there are images and facebook link

Media representation rarely challenge the dominant value of society nor do they give a voice to those with little power. To what extent is this true for the group or place you have studied? why?

Black people were challenged in the society in the 1900s. Black hollywood is stereotyped negatively in the society. They are usually not given a voice to those with little power, however this is changing. e.g Will Smith, he is known well in the US. Hegemony favor those with power at the expense of those without. The first black character seen on screen were white actor in ‘blackface’. Negative black representation in film reached its height in 1915. It could be said that black hollywood challenged the dominant value of society and they did not give a voice to those with little power.

There are many stereotypes attached to Black hollywood, such as ‘The Tom- the good negro, ‘The coon’, ‘The Tragic Mulatto’, ‘The Mammy’, ‘The Brutal Black Buck’. The film Crash (2004) directed by Paul Haggis shows a scene where two black men Chris (Ludacris also known as a black rapper and songwriter) and Peter (Larenza) discuss the stereotypical view of black people within the American society. They comment on not getting a coffee when they didn’t want one in the first place. The audience may start to emphasis with the two character and think they are the good negro, they start to feel sorry for them , however this changes in the next scene when a white couple come walking from their car, peter say “she gets cold as soon as she sees us do we look threatening?, no if anyone should be scared it should be us” he ask a rhetorical question and answer his own question showing that he is sure that they are not threatening. This also connotes that the situation is flipped all because the area that they are in is dominated by white people and they are the only two black people around. “coz we got a gun” they may suggest that they are not intellectual and that they are carrying a gun for safety, however they conform to the stereotypes which they are tying to justify. They threaten the white couple and ‘carjack’ and this then prove they woman point when she got close to her husband and that she was scared, her thought confirm the two black men’s action. Cohen suggested that the term moral panic in the film were often imitated, and this could cause a decline in society.

Black hollywood film has many ways of expressing their emotion and feeling, they are represented in different ways and seen to be different, this is because of society expectation and the individuals values and beliefs, film may suggest that that they are dominant.

Wednesday 11 May 2011


1. What about Tony's parent-what are their representation like?

2. What do you think Tony's representation is? think about camera shots and his behaviour.

3. Think about stereotypes, counter-types?
There are many stereotypes,

4.What are the genre? how does Tony's representation fit into the genre?

5. Can we tell how the narrative will unfold?

6. We start with the shot of Tony in bed with the camera in a close up of him - why use this shot? Then we see him in his under pants, why?

7. Discuss the mise-en-scene- does it tell us anything about Tony's life style?
Tony's is a mummy's boy

8. Discuss Sid's representation? Look at the binary oppositions between Tony and him; especially look at the mise-en-scene.

9.What can we say abut his representation? Is he a stereotype or counter-type? What do we know about his behaviour.

The female black character plays the clarinet on her bed, wearing her pj's, she is a counter-type showing that she not a typical teenager getting into trouble. There are a lot of stereotypes involved with the first 10 minutes of the scene such as, coming home late from a party

10. We are greeted with a close up of Michelle's legs- does this lead into her characters representation? Discuss Michelle's representation; think about her looks, her behaviour and accent.

The introduction of Michelle is her legs, we assume that she is suppose to be the sexy girl and that everyone wants to be with her. Her dialogue suggest that she is a slut. Her sense of clothes connotes that she is in a shower and the conversation may relate to what she may be doing. Shemay also be the main female character

Monday 21 March 2011

Mest 3 section A question and answers

Mest 3 Section A

1. Compare and contrast the two texts with reference to the representation of conflict? (8marks)

* The two text are represented by military conflict, one of which had an advertisement showing that you can buy military product. This connotes that you can buy the gear and join. On the same website there was entertainment side where you can play games and have pleasure in playing. There was also a social networking which you can add to talk or became a friend to. There was video to witness the killing and abuse, this may been to get people to empathise and get more men to join.
This website is mainly targeted to men than women. Whereas the trailer (Battle LA) is also targeted to women, I think this because not only men like to see action movies but mainly targeted to men. The website can be used worldwide; anyone can use it and watch the aggressive movie whereas in the trailer it says PG13 but a thirty year old won't watch it.
The products that they are advertising are for men, such as violent games and military clothing. There are also dating, and loans for men to look at, whereas the trailer it was showing the violence and action. It was an invasion by the aliens. One of the text does have amateur photography while the other has amateur video and it has videos from the CNN which is an American news is told.
The representative of the Battle LA trailer is the military clothing of the character in the movie and the weapons that they use and the military vehicle and the explosions that happen.

2. Explore the views that the entertainment media feeds upon moral panic in the west as a result of terrorism post 9/11?

*The entertainment does feed upon moral panic in the west as a result of terrorism post 9/11. The terrorism of 9/11 was particularly shocking because it was a turning point in U.S. history. It was the first foreign attack on the continental United States territory, including the adjacent territorial waters, located within North America between Canada and Mexico. Also called CONUS. ..... Click the link for more information. since the War of 1812. And it killed so many people using a surprise weapon: hijacked airplanes as suicide bombs. Moral panic in the west influences terrorism because of the successive of destroying the twin tower in America so people think that is easy to do this again.
You may refer you other media products to support your answer. (12 marks)

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages for the military as an institution using the internet as a marketing tool?

*There are many advantages and disadvantages for the military as an institution using the internet as a marketing tool. The advantage of the military as an institution is for male audience to see this and empathise and maybe join the army and fight for their country. The disadvantages could be that the younger child can watch this and think it will be acceptable to shoot someone just because they are from the opponent opposition. Younger child can be influenced in doing things they shouldn’t be doing. An advantages and disadvanges could be the use of the internet, you have to pay to use, if you have it then you can watch the trailer and the use the website.

You should refer to other media products to support you answer. (12 marks)

Types of Question!

1. How do the two media product represent men in the military industry?(8 mark)

2.How and why do the website such as the military news network appeal to the niche audience?

(You may also refer to other media products to support your answer ) (12 mark)

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages for the military as an institution using the internet as a marketing tool?

(You should also refer to other media products to support you answer) (12 marks)

Wednesday 2 March 2011



What are the implication of the YouTube motto, "Broadcast Yourself"?
The implication of the YouTube motto that is is personal and
Motto: a phrase meant to formally described the general motivation or intention of a social group or organisation. It can be a rule or slogan someone follows, or lives their life by. YouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share and view other people videos.

How has the wider entertainment industry responded to YouTube? Opportunity? Or threat?
The wider entertainment industry have responded to YouTube as a phenomenal. Youtube posted they first video April 23, 2005 from then on 8 million video was watched a day. by the end of 2006 it was 100 million video view per day. ($ 1.65). This has widened our industry by bringing new things to entertain people and encourage people to socialise with new people. this can be an opportunity and a threat, you don't want your daughter or son talking to random people or posting their video that shouldn't be on. It could also be an opportunity because this is a way to socialise and interact with other and get feedback from people they don't know. Privacy is a key issue that is raised over and over again with people identity through a combination of their IP addresses on the sites. Youtube have also faced criticism over the offensive content in some of it video posted by some of the users. the uploading of video containing defamation, pornography and material encouraging criminal conduct is prohibited by YouTube's terms and conditions.

How does the audience interact on YouTube?
The audience interact on Youtube by posting video, either for entertaining or trying to get somewhere in the media. e.g Jessie J, Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber was discovered in YouTube and now is a singer-songwriter and actor.
Posting the video are there to also get comments on your video, if its good or not so good. we ofter find good insight into what your fans liked and didn't about your video. you can also subscribe and like or dislike the video. YouTube's status possible will be active because of the type and the way in which they advertise, promote and more and more people logging in to YouTube. YouTube is available in 34 languages.

What new media forms have been encourage by Youtube??
  • Google inc. are also subsidiaries owners of Youtube. Google encourages people to use because the computer software is used world wide and easy to access.
Total number of YouTube videos -- over 120,000,000

Number of videos uploaded per day -- about 200,000

Time required to see all the videos -- over 600 years

Number of videos watched daily -- over 100,000,000

Amount of content uploaded every minute -- 13 hours

Number of accounts onYoutube -- over 300,000,000

whereas google logs 2 billion searches a day approximately.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

check out to see if your work has been plagiarism


My Critical Investigation


An exploration in how and why are teenagers often domineering in Media?

Teenagers have a reputation of being bad or either good. Most teenagers are usually associated as trouble making and get up to nothing. The portrayal of teenage boys usually associated as “yobs” in the media. On the other hand other teenagers do their homework and go to bed at 9pm. There is a stereotype of girl which is generally not involved in crime such as the male. They are more often related to helping chores in house and cooking for the family so they are not seen irresponsible and there is other student who goes to school and try to get on to higher education.
The film ‘Kidulthood’ (2006) directed by Menhaj Huda showed a wide range of teenagers which get up to gun crime, sex and violence. The film follows two days in the lives of a group of fifteen year olds teenagers from a rough area of London. Some of the teenagers clothing such as heavy jewellery may suggest that they are in a gang or maybe aggressive, other thing such as hoodies also known as hood rats. Other student will dress appropriately and are generally polite to respect to others.
Some sociologists say that teenagers’ behaviour’s comes from their upbringing. They get influenced by their parent. Many parent like their children to achieve high and get somewhere in life. Some parent might be abusive to other people in the public and therefore children would be influenced and start to imitate there parent inception on the other hand parent teach teenagers how to respect other and will treat everyone equal, and other parents bring their children up right and teach them rules and values.
‘World’s Strictest Parent’ is a television series developed by Twenty Twenty Television, originally broadcasted Britain by the BBC. This show was first shown in 2008 on BBC three, the narrative of the show is that the parents could not cope which their disobedient teenager and they send then off to a different country where they will live there for 2 weeks. There is a hidden curriculum that children will learn hidden education and will learn certain rules and the values of some of their possession that they take for granted. The key issues will be taught to respect other without the foul attitudes and manners. One of the main causes that may have triggered the relationship between their family member and there behavioural problem may be the separation of their parents. This is a psychological issue, it’s not something those teenagers get over, and these become far too much for them to take. They start to blame their parent and go against them. Another possible ways of teenager’s bad behaviour may be in the influence of their friend, family or even there celebrity fan. They start to imitate and copy what they do trying to impress there mates by doing so; dress, act and buy. E.g. Lindsey Lohan was sent to jail for drinking. They may have been peer-pressure or bully, for them to start drinking or smoking, some teenagers think that they don’t fit in so they like to copy people that are popular to get friend and to be seen as someone. By the end of this entire process teenager feel better about themselves and have leant new things. Teenagers feel that they can have a better relationship between their parents which they never had before. Other teenager has a friend like relationship with help them to open up what they do.
Teenagers have to be in full time education within the ages of 4 – 16. ‘Telegraph’ in July 2009, ‘young kids in many cities are running riot. There’s been a rise in gang culture and in drug culture. We have 30,000 children every year leaving school with no education qualification’ the social issues of teenagers in todays society and a shocking historical change from the behaviours of youth 50-60 year ago. Society expectations nowadays are you can’t get a decent job without having any qualification. A numerous number of teenagers are wanting to go to university and getting a degree.
‘Let Me In’ directed by Matt Reeves released in 2010 was a success remake of the movies ‘Let the Right One In’ by Tomas Alfredson released in 2008. The genre of the movies was a horror/thriller. The particular scene I focused on, was the young boy’s mother who fell asleep on the couch leaving the television to run of its own, didn’t realise that her son Owen 10 had left the house to meet his new friend which was known to be a vampire. On the television it said ‘where are your children at 10pm. This shows that a lot of young children like to leave there home and party elsewhere where there parent are not there some teenager say it something we call freedom. When teenage girls go out for a night they do not dress suitable e.g. the BBC three show ‘Snog Marry Avoid’ shows us a range of Great Britain public how much slap they have on them with; fake tan, false eye lashes and cake full of makeup. This also contrasts with the female prospective 50 year ago when women were oppressed and wasn’t allowed to go out. Nowadays everyone has a say in everything.
Young people as 10 carry around knife. They think it is self defence in the areas that they live ‘Kidulthood’. Statistics say that knife used in four out of ten youth crime in UK. It has also been said by the guardian that UK rate 0.23% death per 100,000. The ‘Guardian’ online website had a tragic story, 20 young, intelligent awaiting for his A-level result stabbed his mother repeated before calling 999 and informing them that they need ambulance, you probably thinking he was a cruel and vicious and out of his hand. Why would you kill your own mother? The responder asked “why did you do this”? He answered back by saying “quick before I go mad” whilst this was all happening his father and sister was sleeping. Teenagers have been vastly changed since in 1900s. Young adult were not seen doing not as much crime as the time. Teenagers weren’t seen as murderous or revengeful. Young as 10 said they are carrying knife around because it is for protection and for their own safety. Wilfred Owen once said in his poem ‘Anthem for doomed youth about manslaughter being a compared to slaughtering animals.
Facebook is one of the biggest social networking sites used by million people worldwide. ‘It has been blamed for facilitating a rise in cyber bullying by girls’ by the guardian. A young girl found admitting causing bodily harm to the young 20 years old girl who helped her track down via Facebook. This shows that not only male do the violence also women do to.
’16 and pregnant’, a show watched by, millions of viewer, this show is about 16 year olds have a baby at the age of 16. This is reality TV show where young teenage get themselves into being a young parent being able to cope with high school and looking after the baby and their relationship. They having trouble juggling everything such as bills, baby and so on. One example could be ‘Precious’, 2009 where Claireece “Precious” Jones, an abuses teen mother who is dark-skinned, over-weight and illiterate. There is a stereotype that black children get abused by their parent and are uneducated. It has been said that African-Caribbean children have not got any qualification (need to get the sources name). The gripping tale that the young woman’s struggle to overcome her past which shows that in this movies. Being over-weight is an issue raised because one in five 13 to 16 year old is over-weight. Obesity seems to be growing problem in today’s society, with the main causes considered to be a poor diet, eating too many fatty, sugary and calorie added food and lack of exercise. What more? It can affect teens psychologically too and may bring with a range of problem, such low esteem, bullying, negative self-image, loneliness, a lack of self-confidence and depression. Other teenagers go to after school clubs with makes them active and socialise with other students. Some of them do sport, making them fit and healthy knowing that there are consequence in having bad diet.
Society has been a huge impact on young teenagers. The biggest change in the media is the impact on social networking has had on our daily live. Majority of the student have Facebook and it is used globally. On the other hand teenagers are on Facebook to socialise with other and get to know people. It’s a way of being friendly.
I guess that a lot of student wants to go to university and go so far in life and achieve thing that their parent never got to do, if they parent were brought up from a different country. Children that have a strong religious background tend to do better than students who were born in the UK. This is because if their country state or wealth. They have a well-built upbringing making them have a better job and life. There are many student achieving the highest they possibly can up to 9A*. There parent are obviously proud of them and feel that they have brought their child up appropriately.
Teenagers nowadays are overly confident and ignorant and therefore see themselves as the dominant minority. The programme skins which is distributed by E4 at 9pm which is after watershed because it reflect their stereotypical lifestyle.
Marxist was a 19th century philosopher, socialist and economist who ideas have a huge impact on ‘cultural theory’. He believed that that man made this environment, when then changed the nature of man. Human changed society and society expectation.
Conclusion -

My C

Sunday 6 February 2011

A specimen paper on Estelle

1. How do the two media products represent women in the music industry? (8 mark)
The two media products represent women in the music industry in a positive manner. They show us that women can also win the MOBO awards and achieve like men.

2. How and why do programme such as the MOBO awards to niche audiences? You may also refer to the other media product to support your answer. (12 mark)
Niche audience is when it is targeted to a small selected minority audience. MOBO award appeal to niche audiences because it is BBC3 who are airing it. It has been promoted to bbc3 for many reasons such as it’s a terrestrial channel so it is free and everyone can watch it. The channel’s target audience include those in the 16-34 year old age group; the purpose is to provide “innovative” to younger audience, focusing on new talent. The channel is on-air from 19:00 to around 04:-- each night that the time that the age categories will watch telly. Bbc3

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages for performers of using the internet as marketing tool? You should also refer to other media products to support you answer. (12 marks)
There are many advantages and disadvantages for performer of using the internet as marketing tools. As an advantage the internet as a marketing tool, will help the audience to be an active role, it can also be easy to use, and you know what you want so it will be easy to search, it also being able to use it whenever they want. Disadvantage will be that everyone can go on it, even being young children and an internet issues can be an issue for them. The young vulnerable children which don’t exactly know what is wrong and right can get up to things they should be doing, e.g looking at video of lady gaga even though she is a well known singer and a big fashion icon, there are so many artist like that. Another disadvantage are that they could be bring virus and so on, but on the other hand is that they can promote product which you might like.

Sunday 30 January 2011

My Left Foot - David Day Lewis

· Abstract – background
· Animation
· Picasso
· Dark colours
· Simple
· Foot + rose
· Crippled
· Rose connotes – love, romance, desire, violence
· Title – image
· Narrative
· Remind you of beauty and the beast – rose stained glass
· Maybe self representation
· Receiving the rose
· Giving the rose
· Not like a typical poster- air brushed, photo shopped or anything like that.

Monday 24 January 2011

The representation of disabled people in the media often resort to stereotypes. Explore how disability is represented and how new media.

The representation of disabled people in the media often resort to stereotypes. Explore how disability is represented and how new media.

Though disability issues are higher on the agenda than they have ever been, and the social model of disability is becoming widely accepted, disabled people are still affected by social barriers. There are stereotypes of disabled representation which is generalised, prejudicial label that a stigma is attached to a group or individual and often based on superstition and myth. Stereotyping negates a person’s individuality and humanity. Disabled people are looked upon with a diverse range of stereotypes such as; tragic, lazy, sinister or evil, pitiful and pathetic, laughable, as atmosphere, burden on society, object to violence, usually an outcast, stupid, funny, worthless being unable to do daily thing. They’re usually nonsexual; we often have a chip on our shoulder. Obviously these stereotypes bear little resemblance to the reality of disability. The film ‘My Left Foot’ set in 1980s and based on a true story of Christie Brown. Christy who has Cerebral Palsy fit many stereotypes as above. They use verbal, non-verbal, visual or oral this creates atmosphere and tension. We also sympathise with the disabled person and feel like helping. The Mise en scene in the first scene is a left foot and a keyboard you see the foot goes closer and grips the music record and plays the music and you see a man in a wheelchair you instantly feel wow he can do thing without help and the audience feels like helping and showing that is intelligent this is showing a visual appearance. When Christie gave a valentine card to the girl he like she returns it back. He feels he is rejected and not worth anything- Supper cripple. Another film ‘Avatar’ released in 2009. Jake the main character is recruited to travel to a fantasy world called Pandora in order to save Earth’s energy crisis. But he has to do this by becoming an “avatar”, a computer-generated blue species that can walk, run, jump, swim, climb; all things Jake can’t otherwise do. He has to save the world; in order to do this he simply cannot be disabled. This film show a guy who was disabled to see the world of having what he doesn’t have in reality, showing him a different prospective of life.
The most view older entertainment programme with disabled where

  • A beatuiful mind (2001)
  • Children of a lesser god (1986)
  • Rain man (1988)
  • Sesame Street (1969-present)
  • Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Wednesday 19 January 2011

My left foot (1980s)

My left foot: 1980's
-Won two Oscars- one male one female supporting role
- Christie Brown
- Biographical picture
- verbal, visual, non verbal, oral language usage

Stereotypes in the movies:
  • Supper cripple
  • Burden to his mother
  • Pitiable and pathetic
  • Laughable
  • Sinister and evil
  • As non-sexual
  • As atmosphere
  • Being unable to do daily things

-VISUAL - Opening sequence contains Christie Brown doing day to day activities with his 'left foot'.
- NON - VERBAL - There is a flashback.... where he is represented to be isolated, disenfranchised, treated differently from his siblings, by their father.... and blamed for things that do not even consider him.
- VERBAL - He is spoken down to, in an undermining tone: ' d for dunce'
- He is also treated like he is an incapable mentally.... when he is very intelligence 'super cripple'.
The Mum is secretly saving up for her son's wheelchair.... he gets carried when he needs to go to places.
- When Christie learns to write with the chalk his father is proud of him "he is a Brown".
VERBAL - The priest thinks that he is not mentally ready to go to Church.... making him upset.
The expressions are masked and therefore his emotions are unclear.
- VERBAL - When his Mother shouts at him for not going to bed, because they don't have enough money to pay for the coal, he comes up with a plan to get coal.... loosen a part of the coal truck.... 'super cripple' he is intelligent, the Mother gets angry at him for his actions.
He is a fantastic artist.... creates a valentines card for the girl who he likes, but she gives it back when she finds out who it is from.... she is embarrassed and reject him.... her friends laugh at Christie's card.
- The girl sees him as being 'non sexual' that may be why she does not want to be with him.
- Her daughter has to get married quickly because she is pregnant and her father gets angry and ask her "couldn't keep your knicker on" they have an argument and she runs upstair to christie and christie realise what going on and stamps his feet, making his father leave and his sister saying goodbye and telling him "make sure you look after ma" everything that happens everyone react to him (father leaving, coal)

LP News Rport

Charlie Brooker - News report on teenagers

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Disability ascross media format

Channel 4 has a reputation of having a reality TV show that is shown about thing are that people don't really talk about e.g weight/ ability etc. Channel 4 is also is known as showing film and documentaries
"The public service remit for Channel 4 is the provision of a broad range of high quality and diverse programming which, in particular:
demonstrates innovation, experiment and creativity in the form and content of programmes;
appeals to the tastes and interests of a culturally diverse society;
makes a significant contribution to meeting the need for the licensed public service channels to include programmes of an educational nature and other programmes of educative value; and
exhibits a distinctive character."

Disability news magazines: The UK's favourite Disability Magazines

Sunday 16 January 2011

Honeymoon bride strangled How many more story like that???????

Honeymoon bride strangled to death over less than £100: Police reveal horrific last moments in her luxury hotel room.Don't you think recently young married couple are getting murdered. The young tragic Anni was murdered by what she thought was her beloved husband Shrien Dewani. what more do you ask from you husband or wife. why would you think to do this. another story where wife murdered by husband in Glasgow city centre shop . As you know that social networking sites are really common. Facebook named to be one of the biggest social networking site maybe a good thing to be in contact but know you going to spilt with your wife is going to break up doesn't make thing better. Husband 'murdered wife before killing himself' after she confessed on Facebook she was leaving him. what make you angry for changing you martial status???? Man murdered wife for changing Facebook status to 'single' . I could go on and on 'Sex pest husband 'murdered wife before staging car accident after divorce threat'
I think i like to have a breaking news along this line about murdering and maybe with the influence of teenagers and how they copy or shall i imitate they parent/ friend.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Read a quick thing in the news

Blinded by liquid eye liner and burnt with cigarettes, the horrific injuries of victim, 17, tortured by girl gang leader high on miaow-miaow.

This story just shocked me in how the teenagers are represented differently in society. Is it there upbringing??? just imagining the horriffing injuries completly ashoned me?? how can someone do this.

Monday 10 January 2011


Film which occurs disabled:
  • Avatar (2009)
  • Psycho (1998)
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831)
  • Finding Nemo (2003)
  • 16 Blocks (2006)
  • Rain Man (1988)
  • Forest gump (1994)
  • Scent of a Women (1992)
  • My Left Foot (1989)
  • Born on the 4th of July (1989)
  • The Curious case of Benjamin (2008)
  • The Elephant Man (1980)
  • Slumdog Millionaire (2009)
  • The secret garden

Codes to use when discussing.

  • Technical - how the camera is used, the lightening, shot edit
  • Symbolic - visual elements and their cultural significance, body language, colour and gesturing.
  • Written - the written code words, headlines, speech bubbles etc.

Three main theories around representation

  • Reflective
  • Intentional
  • Constructive

Avatar, a film that has been 12 years in the making since director James Cameron’s last opus, Titanic, stars Hollywood heart-throb Sam Worthington as Jake Sully, a paraplegic former Marine. Jake is recruited to travel to a fantasy world called Pandora in order to save Earth’s energy crisis. But he has to do this by becoming an “avatar”, a computer-generated blue species that can walk, run, jump, swim, climb; all things Jake can’t otherwise do. He has to save the world, in order to do this he simply cannot be disabled.

the number of film starring character with a disability has shown that Hollywood is ready to tackle the issues but the roles still being wrongly cast and stereotyped. Disability in some movies are suppose to be sympathetic and other are to show or explain what might have caused this, e.g slumdog millionaire where they show a blind man, the condition might have caused and they show what is like to be that person, who is shown begging sensitive g in an underpass. the short scene is to explain a cultural practice in certain parts of India and is done in a respectful, way so no one will get hurt.

Sunday 9 January 2011

My essay question

It has been said that "teenagers are symbolized pessimitically in the 21st century" Investigate into the concerns of teenagers?

Thing i would be needing for my production

Thing I need for my production
· Mood board
· Cast - 3 camera man, 2 presenter (wearing suitable clothes for a news report), 2 lighting
· News report (headlines and what the presenter are going to say)
· Table
· Laptops
· Green room
· Tripod
· Images
· Videos
· Footage from other areas
· Mac to edit
· Images from other reports
Musci Track
Parent interviewing
A news Set