Tuesday 22 June 2010

3.4 Unit Mest 4media: Research and Productions 22/6

"This unit is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate their understanding of the link between media research and practical production work so there must be clear and evident links between the two elements for assessment. The unit is intended to enable candidates to explore a text, theme, issue or debate relevant to the contemporary media landscape in depth and use this exploration to inform their production piece. Cross-cultural factors and the effects of globalisation on the media should be considered where appropriate". Is this used in our exam coursework and how do we use this?

"There is an expectation that they will make more use of media technology and produce a production piece to a higher standard than that expected at AS level". how we do this? what do we need do to improve our work from as to a2? will be using all the concept and more terminology which we did for as?

1 comment:

  1. 1. In both the MEST3 exam and MEST4 coursework, cross-cultural and global issues may be appropriate and should be commented on, biut with your CI and LP it is NOT a pre-requisite, that means that you don't have to if it isn't appropriate.
    2. The aspiration is that your production will be an improvement on AS, we will be looking back on your AS production work and evaluating with a view to improving. Your technical skills will need reviewing as well as planning and writing skills. This is part of the step up to A2.
